Today is often known as Low Sunday. It is as though the high of Easter Day cannot be sustained. Yet Easter should be in our hearts and minds all the time, in some ways. We are an Easter people! As followers of Jesus, that is our calling – to wear our belief in his Resurrection on our sleeves for all to remark upon.
That said, of course, we are still human, and it is a part of our human condition to harbour questions and doubts. Our very nature makes us curious, and sceptical at times. How can Resurrection be real? We know death. But the mystery of resurrection is profound.
Our gospel reading for today tells the story of Thomas – “Doubting Thomas” – he used to be called. What an important story! It allows us to explore our own fears and questions.
I have long loved the words of this hymn by my friend Elizabeth Smith. They sum up the appropriateness of Thomas’s hesitation.
Faith will not grow from words alone – TIS 691
- Faith will not grow from words alone, from proofs provided, scriptures known;
our faith must feel its way about, and live with question marks and doubt.
- The pattern Jesus showed, we share: life comes through death, hope through despair.
God is made known in brokenness, and faith feeds on God’s emptiness.
- The church still tells how Jesus came through death to glorious life again
– the strangest story! Yet, maybe, our faith will thrive on mystery.
- Faith takes the little that we know, and calls for hope, and tells us: Go!
Love and take courage, come what may; Christ will be with us on the way.
From TiS 691. Words: Elizabeth J Smith (1956- ), Music Vernon Griffiths (1894-1985)
Reproduced under license #604484 LicenSing – Copyright Cleared Music for Churches
May your faith feed on question marks, and doubt. Easter blessings!