This service is one of the highlights of Easter Day! Have you ever experience the mystery and the delight?

Imagine the sweep of the beach in the darkness of 6.00am.

The stars and the silence. Two flares shed light on a huge cross built from sand, a powerful symbol of broken hopes.

People are gathering, with torches. Suddenly the silence is broken by the thin wail of bagpipes down near the shoreline, and the lament – “Highland Cathedral” is torn by the wind and tossed to the dark sky.

The gospel story is told, of the burial of Jesus after the crucifixion. We are a part of the pain and the sorrow, and we need forgiveness. We are invited to place flowers on the sand cross. It is like a funeral.

Slowly, light appears in the sky. The piper plays and we sing Amazing Grace.

As the light grows, we hear of the women coming to the tomb in the dawn, and finding it empty.

Singing “Halle-halle-halle-luia!” we walk up the beach to the picnic shelter, where we join together in a simple Holy Communion: a truly ecumenical sharing with all who come.

After we sing “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”, we enjoy fellowship, coffee and hot-crossed buns with all! A favourite finish is walking back to the beach in the daylight, to see the beauty of the flower-covered cross – respected by all who come to the beach.

Would you like to be a part of it all?

This year, we are asking for a little assistance, as some who have helped in the past need help.

  • Building the sand cross – 5pm on Saturday 31st March.
  • serving tea and coffee and helping with the toasted buns.
  • gathering and bringing flowers in baskets.

Helping clean up the morning tea afterwards.

Please let Jennifer know if you are able to help.

………….and please come and join us at 6 am on Easter Day (1st of April)

Easter Dawn Service at Balnarring Beach