Please see our Easter Services here
Christ the King
RAMBLINGS FROM THE VICAR…… This has been a sad week. On Monday, we heard of the sudden, unexpected death of Theo Roach. Theo was almost five years old, and had been a part of our prayer ministry for his whole
Today’s Epistle reading from Romans is jammed full of good advice about daily living. The verses move from loving and respecting others, to working hard, to sharing with others, to hospitality, to compassion for others, including forgiveness, then to humility.
Theologian, Rosalind Brown talks of three forms of martyrdom: ‘Red Martyrdom’ is shedding your blood for Christ, as did the early Christians and some in the Middle-East today. ‘White Martyrdom’ is separating yourself for God’s sake from everything you hold dear,
Mission of the Church
Today is a very significant day, historically. As you may be aware, it is Hiroshima Day – the anniversary of the dropping of the first Nuclear bomb – on the city of Hiroshima in japan, in 1945. Whether or not
Ramblings for the week beginning 30 April 2017….
What a wonderful opportunity it is this week, to celebrate both our Patronal Festivals together! It will be slightly strange for the St. Mark’s people, but we are all anticipating the Grand Opening of the new plant on 19th August.
Palm Sunday
RAMBLINGS FROM THE VICAR – 9 April 2017 The Donkey BY G. K. CHESTERTON When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head
Fifth Sunday in Lent
The Vicar’s Ramblings – 2 April, 2017 “Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, I hear the word of de LORD!” So went the popular song we were taught to sing in the 1950s and 60s. The head bone was
Third Sunday in Lent
Lent III – 19 March 2017 Lent in Year A of the three-year lectionary cycle is wonderful! The Gospel readings for each Sunday are amongst the richest passages in our Christian Scriptures. This week, we hear the story of the
Second Sunday in Lent
Ramblings: Lent II – 12th March 2017 As we continue on our Lenten journey this year, I am hoping that you are all using our wonderful resources, written for us by members of the parish. I am enjoying and appreciating