This past week has been a busy one, as I am trying to deal with the terrible    deterioration in my Mum’s health, as well as the business of Parish life. I thank all of you for your prayers for Aileen, and for all the family, as we also deal with the death of my aunt – Lucy McKenzie – Mum’s younger sister, and the last of her six siblings.

As I sit with Mum, she gazes at me, and I gaze at her, through eyes which are physically alike. All my life, people have told me how like Mum I am. Even when she cannot manage to talk, she knows me, and I know she loves me, and she knows I love her.

These moments in our lives can seem stressful – but that is only on one level. As I sit with her, I am grateful for each moment. Our lives are constructed out of such moments. Our characters are formed, and our learning is experienced in such moments. They are more precious than diamonds.

They are what stays in our memories, long afterwards.

God gives us each and every moment. Our lives are a gift. This week, I have been thinking of the mustard seed. The kingdom of Heaven is a tiny thing, made up of moments and experiences and encounters. But it has the potential to over-run the world – to change everything, to be remembered forever.

We have only this day to make the most of. Life is uncertain. Grasp each moment with all your strength – seize the day! We have the power to sow the seed, but the rest is a wonderful mystery.

God bless you,   Jennifer

Moments in Our Lives